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The art of creating a positive attitude

 Positive attitude is a fine art

positive attitude 2022
positive attitude

First: understand and analyze the situation


Define the concept of positive attitude

positive attitude refers to the way you see the world mentally When you are optimistic, you reflect on yourself and others, and vice versa when you are pessimistic.

When you look at things, your mind focuses on something like a camera does.

You will often adopt a negative attitude in your life, and if you focus on the positives and the good news, you will often adopt a positive attitude in your life.


What is a positive attitude?


It is the external expression of a state of mind that focuses primarily on the positive.


* Effect of positive attitude


1- It gives the person the courage to face problems and makes decisions.

2- A state of mind that focuses on creativity and innovation.

3- Provides its owner the ability to make adjustments and adaptations in a negative situation.

4- Psychological and sanitary stability.

5- You have great ambitions that you strive to achieve.


Second: the relationship between personality and positive attitude.


Personality is defined as a unique combination of a person's physical and mental characteristics, and it is worth noting that an individual's personality is found in the minds of others.


What is the role of a positive attitude in building a personality?


A positive attitude is considered a powerful reinforcer in building character and, on the other hand, erases negative attitudes. Therefore, we find that a positive attitude:


1- Turn a boring character into an exciting one.

2- It makes a person more attractive.

3- Attract the attention of others to someone's superior features.

4- With the succession of positive attitudes, the person acquires a brighter and more attractive image in the eyes of others.

5- Possess an attractive and charming personality.


Third: the attractive force of a positive attitude.

* Advantages of a positive attitude


1- It causes enthusiasm.

2- Stimulates creativity.

3- Optimism leads to good.


A person may not look beautiful or pretty, but their view of things in a positive way increases the admiration of others.


Positive situations affect your job in particular and your life in general.


Fourth: Can someone confiscate your positive attitude?


This is possible, especially when you get involved in a conflict with others, you expose yourself to the risk of losing your positive attitude, and if this happens, you are exposed to having your positive attitude stolen, so you have to follow some strategies, between them :


1- Try to resolve the conflict as quickly as possible so that the matter does not develop.

2-When someone behaves immorally with you, show them that you are too big to respond.

3- Stay away from the person with whom you have a conflict, that is, avoiding and avoiding the people with whom you enter into a permanent conflict.


Fifth: The need to renew positions.


Our positions are constantly affected by a variety of factors, and this requires us to pause to renew or modify our position and repair what has been damaged, and these factors include:


1- Environmental shocks, whether family or economic, and some of them can inevitably impose on you.

  1. Problems caused by self-assessment; That arise from a lack of self-loathing or contempt.

3- The internal tendency towards negative attitudes, which is an internal tendency towards negative attitudes and can be the result of civil societies.

Therefore, a person must know the size of the adjustment to the situation that he needs to plan it properly.


Sixth: How to adjust and adapt to the situation.


Several specific techniques will help you change your attitudes and make them more positive, including:


1- Use humor when looking at the problem and not consider the problem as the end of the world.

2- Focus on the positive elements in your life and reduce the negative elements.

3-Make your life simple, free of complications and obligations.

4- Get vaccinated against the constant dominance of the problem over your thinking.

5- Let others share your positive attitude.

6- Take care of your appearance in front of you and others.

7- Accept the positive relationship between physical health and a positive attitude.

8-Select your goals in your life, it gives you a constant and balanced movement.


Seventh: The relationship between the situation and work.


Your workplace is the best place to understand your positive attitude for reasons that include:


1- Working with a positive person makes work more enjoyable.

2- Working with positive people helps to forget difficulties and problems.

3- The positive attitudes of the employees increase the morale that has a role in the performance of the work.

4- A person spends most of his waking hours at work, and without positive attitudes at work, time passes heavy and is difficult.


The employee contributes to creating the situation, be it positive or negative; Regardless of his skills or qualifications, an employee with low qualifications can initiate positive situations, increasing his productivity and effectiveness despite his modest qualifications and abilities.


Eighth: What is your position on working with multiethnic people?


There has been a change in work environments, so it is possible to find more than one culture in the work environment when meeting people from different backgrounds and multiple cultures, and it is important to try to build new relationships with employees from multiple cultures.

and take positive attitudes when dealing with them. This, in turn, will give you great motivation to be positive with those who are not from your culture, so what about those of your gender and culture?


Ninth: your position determines the success of your job.


Your attitude plays a prominent role in your field of work and your success or failure in it.

If you adopt a positive attitude, that is evidence of your success and vice versa. So what does success at work depend on?

Success in your job depends on two factors:

business skills and the technical or professional aspects of your job, and the second is human relationships and the strength of your connection with others, which begins with positive attitudes.

Building successful human relationships in the workplace lead to positive attitudes, the impact of which is not only reflected in relationships with employees; Rather, it is the attitude of the organization and thus the increased productivity that came from adopting positive attitudes.


Tenth: Attitude and leadership at work


Managers can develop positive attitudes among their employees; It leads to greater success and greater productivity because leaders seek:


1- The positive attitude of the leader is reflected in the followers and vice versa.

2- The policy of building solid human relationships to motivate followers and raise their morale.

3- The principle of the bad apple and advise and reform the negative employee.

4- The relationship between attitude and self-confidence, a positive attitude depends on self-confidence.

5- The principle of immediate restoration of trust The positive attitude must be renewed when a problem or error occurs, either individually or collectively.


And finally: How can you keep your attitude positive?


Each one of us, faced with multiple problems, can take positive attitudes in any circumstance, according to Him. To take a positive attitude with these problems, there are three useful stages:


1- You have to be patient until you acquire a positive attitude away from recklessness and haste.

2- Determine the best solution to the problem, presenting options and alternatives to solve the problem, and making your decision with the best one.

3- Accept the solution you have reached with an open heart, and you must realize that not all solutions are perfect, but the solution you reach and of which you are convinced, explain your chest and adapt and adapt to her in a new way of life.


A positive attitude achieves success in every direction you take, so your positive attitude is the most valuable thing you have.

Are you like that?
