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What is behavioral health?

What is behavioral health?

Behavioral health 2022
Behavioral health

Behavioral health is one of the most important factors that must be taken into account when determining the causes of problems and diseases to which a person is exposed since this concept includes within it:

(mental health - psychiatry - Marriage and Family Counseling - Addiction Treatment - Social Worker Services - Neurology Medicine).

says the National Health Business Group, and includes several prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery support services for patients.


Below we will review with you the definition of healthy behavior in general and for youth in particular, and its impact on all other aspects.


Define healthy behavior


We can say that behavioral health describes and describes the relationship between behaviors and the health of the body, mind, and soul.

Therefore, it is the most general and comprehensive term that encompasses under it all the types of health and behaviors that a person is used to, in addition to clarifying the interrelationship between them.

For example, the healthy behavior of an individual can describe how their behaviors are related to food and exercise in the integrity of their physical or mental health.


Although the definition of behavioral health began during the 20th century by describing behavioral health as behaviors that prevent illness or promote health, over time academics agreed to expand the term to include behaviors that help people control illness and later disease. Behavioral health includes mental health.


It should be noted that a person who suffers from behavioral health can suffer from stress, depression, anxiety, or emotional relationship problems, and this condition can be a very suitable entry to fall into the trap of addiction, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning.

difficulties, mood disorders, or other psychological concerns. These are the problems that require specialized and experienced physicians in the treatment and evaluation of behavioral health with all that is included.


The difference between behavioral health and mental health


As we already mentioned, healthy behavior is a more general and comprehensive term under which mental and psychological health is located, for example:

a behavioral health specialist analyzes the behaviors that may have contributed to a person's obesity, considering that this is a problem that mainly affects the physical health of the person, and this is the most important difference between healthy behavior and mental health.


Mental health is also included in healthy behavior and through this, people with mental health problems can benefit from the principles of healthy behavior, as sometimes changes in an individual's behavior, Family or even society can help people better cope with their circumstances. your mental health.


Behavioral health in young people


The behavioral health of young people is one of the most important principles to consider when evaluating their health status because it controls many physical and psychological factors, as well as other aspects of mental health.


This is evident in addiction treatment cases since the interpretation and evaluation of the addict's healthy behavior status helps greatly to determine the causes and reasons for the addiction in the first place, as well as to identify the most appropriate and most appropriate.

adequate. second, effective treatment methods, the details of which sometimes differ from person to person and from grade of addiction to grade.


Behavioral disorders always appear associated with health disorders, so both must be evaluated in a precise and integrated way, taking into account that it does not make sense to prescribe any of the medications if abnormal or dangerous behaviors are not treated.


Along the same lines, psychology experts have previously agreed that it makes no sense to restrict behavior in the absence of physiological and psychological problems, what is confusing is that some mental disorders can be classified as conduct disorders and vice versa.
