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Fitness As a Tool for Weight Loss

 Fitness As a Tool for Weight Loss


Healthy exercise can be enjoyable, but it is not always recognized as such. Bad habits have been ingrained to make all healthy innovations seem full of effort and work.

Consequently, we cannot always judge the value of any newly applied form of training solely on the test of its pleasure.

Fitness As a Tool for Weight Loss 2022
Fitness As a Tool for Weight Loss

We are the product of what our parents and teachers did to us; sadly, they often make a mess with work. Fortunately, if an exercise is in harmony with our nature and innate needs, we will soon enjoy it.


Today's sedentary lifestyle makes hobbies and sports essential complements to our daily lives. 

Whether it's gardening, biking, woodworking, tennis, golf, horseback riding, swimming, track, and field or road racing.


It is important to choose the type of activity you enjoy because as they say "Whatever makes your boat float."


Cycling is my main exercise, but I only cycle to get from one place to another and since I live about 5 kilometers from the nearest town, I do 10 km every day. 

Cycling would certainly not be my sport of choice  Athletics is The point is that you choose something that you enjoy doing.


Start from where you are when it comes to fitness. I may be considered fit compared to most people my age, but when I start my running campaign.

 I test my fitness to start running across a grassy meadow several times.

 I start with five laps around the paddock just to test my form.


This is after I haven't jogged for a year and I'm not as fit as I could be.


One thing to keep in mind is that it takes time to improve your fitness, but losing it is much quicker once you stop exercising.


It takes weeks for you to reach your optimal fitness level, but if you haven't played a lot of sport, you may not be sure what your peak is. 

The only way to find out is to go out and compete in the sport, but that does not necessarily mean competing against others, but against yourself.


It's important not to go overboard with your run at the beginning, but to set yourself small tasks upfront and then increase your distance and intensity as your fitness level increases.

 There are several running books available that can point you in the right direction.

 Some of the workout routines in these books may seem daunting at first, so it's a good idea to cut them down based on your fitness level and ability.

That is setting personal best times


It gives great satisfaction to achieve personal best times in various events. Even if you've practiced some athletics before and have reached an age where you will never achieve the times you did when you were younger, you can set new personal best times for your age category.


Another benefit of exercise is that it helps you make new friends. Training sessions with other athletes will expand your social circles. 

This will encourage you in your goal of living a more fitness-oriented life.


  • Living an active life has several benefits.
  •  Helps control your weight.
  • Improves the feeling of well-being.
  •  Build relationships.


Living a more active life will have many health benefits, so developing your plan to improve your fitness is a no-brainer. It's just a matter of getting out of your comfort zone and trying.
