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Why can't you achieve your goals?

Why can't you achieve your goals?


The value of the idea does not reside in itself, but in its return to its owner; There is an underlying energy behind every idea, goal, desire, or ambition, and your ability to transform 

that potential energy into kinetic and executive energy determines the value of that idea. Your task is to turn your desire to achieve a specific goal into a motive that motivates you to achieve your goal, whatever the nature of this goal, which may be to start a new job, lose some extra weight, learn a new language, or make more money.

Why can't you achieve your goals
Why can't you achieve your goals

There is a simple equation that you must keep in mind; It will help you a lot to achieve anything you want, namely:


Think + Start + Achieve your goal = Accomplish


  • thought

Thinking is the first stage; You must think about your goals, what you want to achieve and the wonderful things you dream of achieving; 

All great achievements started with an idea and then turned into tangible things on the ground. 

Whether you realize that truth or not, everyone has latent ideas, goals, and dreams waiting to be discovered and brought to light; But we often get caught up in other things that may seem trivial compared to thinking about our goals and our future.


In fact, we cannot achieve anything without having an idea that we depend on, and it is the first spark to move towards the achievement of goals, dreams and ambitions. If you don't have that initial idea, think constantly so that you can formulate a goal or dream that you want to achieve. 

At this point, many find great pleasure; Because it doesn't require much effort; So your focus is limited to this stage. But to achieve what you aspire to, you must move to the next stage.


  • Start

Ideas and goals are powerful; Because it is characterized by a kind of potential energy. To unlock this potential energy and convert it into kinetic energy, you need to start taking real steps to achieve your goals.


This step is of great importance. Because it requires the performance of the act to transform the moral into a tangible physical reality. For example, if you want to start a new project, you must unleash your idea and work towards its realization. This stage is characterized by emotion; 

Because it releases potential energy and converts it into action, but despite the importance of this stage, it is not enough to achieve your goals; Rather, you need to move on to the next stage.


  • reach your goals

This is the most important stage, the one most capable of achieving inner satisfaction and generating a sense of accomplishment. 

At this point, you have successfully converted the potential energy within yourself into productive kinetic energy. This stage distinguishes those who love achievement from those who are satisfied with wishes and dreams without making any effort to achieve them.
