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Basic principles of success and missing element

Basic principles of success and missing element

Basic principles of success and missing element
Basic principles of success 

First: what are the basic principles of success


Life is success and failure. If you want to succeed, you need to follow three basic principles of success. Life means being alive. 

Success means achieving something if it is money, physical fitness, or mental satisfaction. Success is achieving its desired goal through passion, mental conciseness, intense dedication, and commitment.


 In our, each sphere of success of life can be classified into three basic principles. If you know this basic principle, not only you achieve it, but also has the opportunity to be among the great man in the world.

You do not need to have huge money or muscle body to be among a successful man. Then again, you will have abundance and well-being together You can keep your long stay in this lovely world.  You can enjoy a beautiful thing.

Something beautiful is a pleasure forever. Here are the three fundamental standards of achievement throughout everyday life.


  • Physical Fitness/ Success


The main thing in your life is the control of your body. If you want to do what you want to do, I want to go somewhere as you want to go. Your body is normally behaving and supporting your daily activities that are a physical success. Physical success means physical fitness. Physical fitness does not mean the only huge or 6pac body.


It means whenever you want to run, you can easily run, whenever you want to go to sleep periods, it is natural, without having to take medications or sleeping pills.


The main thing is that you always have to be physically timely to show your commitment and determination to achieve your success. Suppose you have the opportunity to show hidden talent or merit in the world, first, your body should be supported for your work. You need to give at least half an hour a day for physical exercise.


Your daily meal must be well controlled. You can follow this daily food rule, never satisfy your stomach with your food. Keep one-third of the stomach complies with water and food and hold a part that the stomach is always empty. This is scientifically tested.


By practicing this, you can make your kind of physical mental work or concentrated easily. Then, when I take some meal, you should know how much this food will benefit me for your physical improvement.


Sometimes you can go shopping walking. Whenever you are in a field and have space, you can take the opportunity to run and sweat.


You have to remember: "One day, I will get to my destination or goal, I cannot let this opportunity beg my lack of physical invoice. You need to physically prepare every day.


Our body shape depends on our food and physical awareness if we fail in both directions, we cannot fulfill our enthusiasm to achieve success. A successful life means breathing and moving naturally, we cannot ignore it. Then, we have to fit and take care of our bodies daily.


  • Mental Satisfaction/Success


If you are doing something or have established an objective following the goal of other people, it will not be happy to keep this work. You must obtain a mental satisfaction of 100 percent, have to have a clear vision of what you are achieving.


Mental success means a strong mind. Every time you get the continuous rejection, frustration, and annoying it for your work process to achieve something new, then you need to address it mentally. 

If you know your aspects or route to reach your destination, you simply affirm your mind gradually and tell you that I am driving my goal in the right way and have all the blessing by my side. You need to show a positive mindset consistently.


 From your strong mind, you know that someone's negative thoughts never stop you and never blame or attack this kind of people because they want to break your mental barrier and make you without success like them in this beautiful world.


Strong mental persons never look back at the Haute way of success that barks like a dog because they know how to "barking dog rarely bites". If you help someone without having anything that is mental satisfaction.


Your benefit will come to you one day because in this world nothing asks it, you have to have a reason and reward behind all good or bad scriptures. Strong mental persons never stop, they always love exploring the glory of success in this incredible world, setting new standards of life, and wanting to make life comfortable and easy for all.


The discipline Your body first comes mentally. Of course, if you can control your mind, you can control your body. 

Mental success does not mean thinking about all things in this world. It means you have a vision in your mind to achieve your goal and you are using your mind with positive thoughts and motivation mentally.


 It never stops in the things of the middle knowing that they become tougher and somehow they feel demotivated. Successful people always think that "I have completed halfway to my trip and only halfway, no matter how difficult it becomes, I am harder to break my commitment.


 Success comes from the strong mentality, determination, and through commitments never arrest and behind this have to have a strong mental power that does not come, naturally, you have to work with your habits, thoughts, and mind to Discipline it and direct them to the right. way.


  • Financial Benefit/ Success


Financial benefit means how much money will acquire from its White financial goal daily, weekly, monthly or annual.


Without a financial goal, it is like a man without a spine. Because he will maintain the physical and mental capacity of him gradually and will motivate him to create more and more success story.


 If you have financial capacity or money, it will be much easier and faster for you to create a new plan and can acquire successful business and entrepreneurship and can do well-being for humanity by creating job opportunities, business opportunities, and the New start-up for the new businessman.


Financial success not only consists of acquiring money from profits but also investing money adequately with the right vision and should know what is the production of this investment money and how they will bring money with the capital.


 Suppose that if you have an idea and plan, but you do not have accurate information on how much it will cost to make the idea successful, then you lose your time, your investment may be at risk. On the other hand, if you know your financial demand, you can easily discover how much financial effort you have to give and how much you will come.


 To consistently focus on your monetary achievement. When you listen to a romantic song, you feel romantic, when you have money, you feel fantastic.


Financial success is not a money machine that only provides money, the wealth that dreamed of the basis of your sleep, achieved success through continuous hard work, the proper execution of the plan, investment, the appropriate view of destiny And they achieve financially and never stops planning a larger DREAM plan and then builds the successful empire.


In the time of globalization, the world is changing step by step. You have to always advance more, improve the standard of life, face the global, economic, and climate change in the world making a success story with the new strategy, plan, communication, and execution. For this, this basic principle of success in life cannot be ignored or omitted.


 The main motto of these three principles is necessary when doing something, any idea, plan or startup should go through these principles. You just need to remember what is the benefit or success of this, I am doing such a thing.


 When you know these principles, you can easily establish the priority of your work and can easily avoid useless and harmful work to lose work. Suppose you are only surfing the Internet, Facebook, going to the gym, performing daily activities that you do not know the importance of. First, ask three questions, these activities are among the three principles of success.


 Any physical benefit? Any mental satisfaction? Any financial benefit? Your mind will tell you the answer and lead it to establish priority to your success, you will be physical, mental, and financial. Life is yours to be successful and pleasant by achieving success by establishing its desirable priority of success.


 In our life, the goal of all is to achieve physical, mental, and financial success. By achieving this success, man gets respect, fame and becomes a complete successful man in the world. Even after his death, they are remembered with respect and all follow his thoughts of him with dignity as "Steve Jobs" and "Mother Teresa".


Second: the missing component of success


As is known there are many ingredients for success: such as peaks, creativity, vision, hard work, patience, perseverance, happiness and synchronization, and attitude, I miss something? Oh yes - spiritual practice.


Of course, you can lose weight, become a capable doctor or an excellent lawyer, and be a decent mother or a successful sports player just doing (studying, training, working, etc.).


But are you going to have satisfaction for your success? How many people do you know that seem to have achieved everything and feel miserable at the same time? The right thing to do and the right place to be.


And then some seem to be doing all the right things and they do not even achieve apparent success, not even in the eyes of others. Why?


The answer is because dissatisfaction runs along with an overemphasis on the fact. Do you remember the notorious phrase you have? If the being jumps and jumps to the realization, you never finished quite having (personal satisfaction, successful closure, peace, and happiness).

You keep doing and no matter what you achieve or produce, you feel you need to do more because …however, go a step back and concentrate on being, it will end up having everything you want and more.


The passage of being means that you have a spiritual practice around what you do and what you would like to have.


That does not mean that you become superstitious or a religious fan. It means that it takes time in meditation, introspection, contemplation, appreciation, prayer, and gratitude.


In this way, you can activate the upper brain, you can operate from your top, and you can receive guidance (through perception and intuition) simply because you feel connected to the resources of the universe and you act on something larger than you ( Not because your ego wants to compensate for the inferiority complexes or fears of lack and separation).


Therefore, if you precede when doing being (in meditation, contemplation, prayer, and gratitude), and then act, your effort will be very successful in the following aspects:


  1. He would like to know that you are on the right path; You will not have a second thought and doubts in the process or unfortunately later.
  2. The road will be easy and things will flow (since it will be energetically aligned with the cosmic tides of power); Even the difficulties will be fulfilled with grace.
  3. You will have a sense of fulfillment each step of the way; You will not feel like a race of routine, constant stress, and in the end, without the feeling of satisfaction.

In short, surrounding his projects with some form of spiritual practice guarantees his success and happiness, not only on paper but also in his heart.
