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Secrets of working smart

 Secrets of working smart


Nobody denies the role of effort to achieve something, but dwarfing the role of (intelligence) in this matter is a real disaster since you can cut a lot of time and work to achieve your goals if you activate this function for yourself. (intelligence advantage), specifically work smart.

working smart 2022
working smart

Everyone believes that (effort) is the best way to achieve what you want, the employee believes that effort and fatigue is the best way to get a promotion and increase salary, and the student believes that hard work and Fatigue in the study is what will make him get better grades and more.

But is it true? Is effort and fatigue for something the best way to achieve it? And if it is true, what is the explanation of those who succeed without effort or fatigue, how did they do it then?


The time to work with excessive effort is over, perhaps forever, and now is the time towork smart and with all your intellectual energies to achieve your goals at the lowest cost of fatigue.

and for that, here are 10 scientifically proven steps. that will allow you to work smart and more productively.


  • Create a whole new to-do list


One of the most important steps in increasing productivity is this step, creating your own completely new to-do list, a list containing the tasks that you specifically want to do after you've eliminated the stupid tasks that were giving you trouble. more than pushing you to work.


Making the list varies from person to person, but it can include 1-3 important urgent tasks that you need to complete before you leave your office and leave.


Likewise, the list must contain in addition to the main tasks to be implemented, other subtasks that arise from the main tasks, that is, the main task must be divided.

which is, for example (write 6 articles per day) into branches secondary as (write an article in one hour and an article in the second and another in the fourth) and so on.


As a quick tip to increase your ability to carry out this list, try to focus only on daily work, do not get too busy with the idea of ​​working in a week or month, just identify the tasks you want to achieve in your day, divide them into branches and forget about the next days and months.


Focus on your day, divide your main tasks into subsections, and put them on your list of work accomplishments.


  • Be proud of your little achievements and never count your time


If we assume that you have a project to complete, let me give you the example from this article, imagine that the project is that you have to write this article that you are reading now.


The most obvious thing about this is that I divided it into several parts so that it is easy and fluent to read, but not only for this, but there are other things for which the use of paragraphs is also useful.


Segmentation will make you feel fulfilled, when you see that you have written and finished many paragraphs.

a feeling of satisfaction will rush to your brain chemistry to say that things are fine and that everything is in its right place.


From a bigger perspective and in general, try to feel the small results and measure them and be proud of them, do not try to postpone everything for the final moment that can belong, and then celebrate your work that can take years!


Divide everything into small stations and celebrate the results you have achieved.


  • Create some habits that motivate you to work


We all have our habits, some people study only when there is a cup of coffee by their side, and there are people who work only in an environment of complete calm, and some only work in an environment of song and perhaps exaltation.


We all have their habits, but what we are concerned about here is creating some habits that help you to work and increase your productivity in it.


Perhaps the most prominent of these habits, blocking the mobile phone, which some do, announcing that work time has come, and the time to play and the joke is over, and some.

as we said, prepare a cup of hot coffee, announcing this cup. tired.


And many other habits that you can make yourself, the only important thing is to make this motivating habit to work and not to discourage it at all.


  • Identify the things you are wasting your time on


If you are one of those who struggle to increase your productivity at work smart, then this step is for you specifically.

The way to get a promotion and a climb to the top is to eliminate pests that suck up your time and waste it to no avail.


Bring a paper and a pen, and write down what daily pests you do and waste your time without any benefit to you and your work.

Perhaps browsing social media sites for no reason, perhaps unnecessary calls.

perhaps eating at restaurants that can be dispensed with, perhaps opening discussions with the rest of the employees just to avoid work without any sense of responsibility.


You know these habits better than I do, they exist with you, the important thing is to eliminate them and reduce their presence to the lowest level.


  • Create some habits that tell you the job is done


We said that some habits that tell you that it is time to work smart are very important for timing and productivity, but the most important thing is to develop some habits that tell you that the work is done and it is time to go.


Perhaps an employee works an extra hour or two, and perhaps finishes his work at dinner time, stretching it out until midnight or a little earlier.

without thinking that this act is not useful, but rather harmful for him and something else. important than us. discussed at the beginning, which is the daily to-do list.


Increasing work will confuse your to-do list for the next day, staying awake on a certain day to do something whose inevitable results will be a lack of your timesheet and thus.

the start of another miserable day on the job. tomorrow, and perhaps delay, lack of concentration, distraction, and many unpleasant things that you do not want to happen to you.


Establish some habits to finish work, such as a certain time when it is impossible to miss, or an appointment after work that you cannot delay, or other things that you can stick to.


Any excess becomes harmful, and work also applies to this rule.


  • Rest a bit


To illustrate this idea, Stephen Covey in his famous book (The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People) gives an example of a logger who uses a saw to saw and cut trees. And sharpen it again, it is the strongest and most durable.


The same applies to work as well, breaks are very important to recharge his energy, as well as to sharpen his skills, mental and physical capacity.


On average, the human brain can focus for 45 minutes and then begin to decline, until a 15-minute break is taken.


Constant work is stressful and unproductive, take breaks to work smart.


  • It's okay to take a nap


New studies have shown that naps improve the cognitive capacities of the human brain, in addition to raising the level of memory and creative thinking, and in particular, naps are beneficial in the process of learning and receiving information throughout the day.


Studies also indicate that receiving one piece of information and then other information can become easier and more memorable if there is a brief repetition after this information.


The benefit of naps is not just to inform and remind you, but also to avoid fatigue and tiredness, which is often caused by prolonged work without breaks or naps.


Naps are good, naps are important, then take a nap.


  • Spend time with nature


Daniel Goleman, author of Focus: The Hidden Power Behind Excellence.

suggests in his book that spending some time meditating on nature is very important for clearing the mind and increasing concentration in the long run.


And a study that focused on this topic found that the level of attention of those who live in noisy and crowded cities away from nature is lower and largely distracted compared to those who spend time in the countryside or contemplating the various landscapes.


Spending time with nature leads to calm, relaxation, and increased concentration. It is also beneficial for students and increases their motivation and desire to learn.


  • Work and plan in groups


Man often tends to loneliness, stagnation, and work alone, and this action may be true in one respect, but from another perspective, it can cause fatigue to the owner and weaken productivity and work capacity.


One of the main obstacles to work smart is that excessive enthusiasm can sometimes lead to working alone and exhausting without depending on someone else, and this is completely wrong.


A newspaper or website can't be successful if there is only one editor-in-chief or one writer who writes everything and in every field.


Man is a social being by nature, there may be some things that distinguish you from others and this is beautiful, but sharing work with people is very important even for your psychological and physical comfort.


  • Check your email first

Ways to get smarter


This step can be a bit strange, since everyone says you should never check your email while you work, but it can be useful in one respect, and it can be a daily habit for the beginning of work, as we said in the third step.


Checking email is especially important for those who work remotely or in one of the free work fields like (programming - blogging - designing - and others).


Exploring the mail can be an opportunity to get a job, or perhaps to know the task that is required of you, since everything has become electronic in this age, starting with the book and not ending with working in its various branches.

And in the end, I hope that these methods will be a shining beam on your way to work smart.
