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Obesity: causes and treatment

 Obesity: causes and treatment

The definition of an Obesity person is a person who has excess fat tissue and a body mass index (BMI) value greater than 30 BMI is a pointer that actions weight contrasted with stature.

Excess adipose tissue can have serious health consequences, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high levels of lipids in the blood.

Obesity 2022

Heftiness is quite possibly the most widely recognized ailments in Western culture today and perhaps the most hard to treat a lot.

Relatively little progress has been made in treating bariatric (except for lifestyle changes), but much information has been collected on the medical consequences of obesity.


Causes and risk factors of obesity

Until recently, obesity was associated with a sedentary lifestyle and persistent overconsumption of calories. But today, it is known that these causes of bariatric are important, but several genetic factors play a role in the appearance of bariatric.


As evidence of this, in adoptive children, we see a pattern of bariatric more similar to that of their biological parents than that of their adoptive parents.

Research with identical twins has also shown that there is a greater influence of genetic factors on BMI than the influence of environmental factors on it.


The estimate is that between 40% and 70% of obesity can be attributed to various genetic factors, not environmental or lifestyle factors.


As research in mice showed, the presence of 5 genes related to appetite, these genes is what leads to obesity.

These genes are also present in humans. One of the principle hereditary elements in weight is the chemical leptin.

Today, obesity is believed to be a combination of certain genes and not just the result of a defect in one gene.

The increase in obesity in recent decades is mainly due to environmental influences such as lifestyle and eating habits.


Complications of obesity

Obesity is associated with higher rates of mortality and illness.

There are a host of diseases that are more common in people with bariatric, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, high blood lipids, coronary artery disease, degenerative joint disease, and psychosocial disorders.


It should be noted that obese patients often also suffer from metabolic syndrome, which includes 3 or more of the following symptoms:

large abdominal circumference, high blood pressure, high blood lipids, and high blood sugar levels. good cholesterol levels) are low.


In addition, obesity is associated with the following diseases: bowel, ovarian, and breast cancer, emboli and hypercoagulability, gastrointestinal diseases (gallbladder diseases and heartburn), and various skin disorders.


Women who are obese during pregnancy are at increased risk for pregnancy and obstetric complications.


Obese people suffer more lung diseases and various endocrine disorders, such as sleep apnea and disorders in the secretion of hormones.


Diagnosis of obesity

As mentioned above, obesity is defined as excess fat tissue. Accurately measuring the amount of body fat is complex and requires professional evaluation.

However, by doing a simple physical exam, it is possible to easily detect the presence of excess fat.

The body mass index (BMI) provides a relatively good estimate of the amount of adipose tissue (in people who are not very muscular, such as professional bodybuilders).

 BMI is calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by the square of height in meters. Indication of BMI values:

  • 18.5-24.9- A normal weight.
  • 25-29.9- Overweight.
  • 30-34.9- Grade 1 obesity.
  • 35-39.9 grade 2 obesity.
  • Over 40 means obesity.

Higher obesity (central obesity), that is, the accumulation of excess fat in the abdominal area, and above the waist (abdominal circumference greater than 102 cm in men and greater than 88 cm in women).

is of greater importance medical than lower obesity, ie. accumulation of excess fat on the buttocks and thighs.


Obese people have a higher risk of developing diabetes, stroke, coronary heart disease, and premature death than shorter people.


Treatment of obesity

Different dieting techniques can be followed, leading to weight loss and excess fat tissue.

Studies have shown that only 20% of patients can try and lose 6 kg of their weight and maintain the new weight for two years.


The dietary instructions for obesity treatment patients are similar to those for ordinary people:

  1. Excessive intake of unprocessed foods that are given in the diet.
  2. Cutoff your admission of fat, sugar, and liquor.
  3. Eat foods rich in fiber.
  4. According to the research, there was no significant and healthy preference for one method of treating obesity over another method.
  5. However, it is of great importance to educate patients for the treatment of obesity, as to how to plan the daily menu early and record the meals consumed.
  6. Behavioral education in the treatment of obesity is the cornerstone of how to lose weight correctly.
  7. Exercise is necessary to maintain weight loss and treat obesity in the long term.
  8. Active work causes an increment in the utilization of calories in the body.
  9. It is important to note and emphasize that exercise alone leads to little weight loss The main advantage of exercise is that it helps maintain weight loss over time.
  10. Today, moderate and strenuous physical activity is recommended for one hour a day.

Obesity medications

Very few prescription obesity medications have been approved for weight loss.

Medications are recommended as part of a comprehensive treatment program, not as a sole means of losing weight and treating obesity.


The drugs being given today are Reductil (sibutramine), whose studies have shown that you lose 5 kg in 6-12 months, and Orlistat, which leads to a loss of 4 kg in 6-12 months.


It should be noted that the drugs have many side effects:

Reductil can cause dry mouth, constipation, dizziness, insomnia, orlistat can cause diarrhea and various digestive disorders.


Surgical treatment

Obese people with a BMI over 40 can undergo various gastric surgeries (balloon shortening, etc.) leading to weight loss.


But the weight loss, which is estimated to be around 50% of the initial weight of the patient, is accompanied by serious side effects and complications of the surgery.

such as infection in the peritoneum, stones in the bile duct, hypercoagulability, and serious nutritional problems.

disorders, with deficiency of various vitamins ,Research also shows that approximately 40% of patients will experience complications from surgery.



Obesity is becoming more and more common. This phenomenon has many implications for the quality of life and life expectancy of an obese person.

Today there are many methods to treat obesity and lose weight, the basic principle on which these methods are based is to follow a healthy .

lifestyle, which includes exercise and a healthy and balanced diet.

In extreme cases, medications or surgery can be used.

but reaching a situation where these procedures are required to treat bariatric is not recommended.
